The field of Design Studies is in its formative stage, and by virtue of its nascent status each paper engaging in the discipline is written with praxis

Design today is going through a period of huge transformation. As a practice, it is being redefined. Designers are formally being invited to [...]

According to sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, we are living in “liquid times.”1 Because of [...]

This issue of The Scholar & Feminist Online, edited by scholar-activists Soniya Munshi and Craig Willse, explores the nonprofit and [...]

The MTA and Rikers Island have a complicated relationship. Over the years the massive jailing complex has fallen on and off the subway map. [...]

As a professor of graphic design, I am constantly trying to figure out what tools will best prepare my students for future practice [...]

Even though the ways in which people research, shop, and purchase items have evolved, the reasons [...]

The sex toy market is enjoying unprecedented growth in recent years due to increased social acceptance [...]

Does form still follow function? In 2009, design critic Alice Rawsthorn declared the demise of the famous phrase once coined by architect Louis Sulliva

We wrestle with wicked problems that plague our complex adaptive systems while operating in constant, continual...